Friday, March 22, 2013

(un)Pleasant Valley Siding/ Dickinson, ND pop. 213,000

Oh, the fatefully named for the painfully forgotten
Deeds from the past still hold them to the bottom
How can they forgive their fathers when they can't forgive themselves
Nightmares of a past, wished gone
PTSD won't move on
When the deepest wounds reopen under the moons or family gatherings

He said not to tell and now I couldn't if I tried
He said show me yours and I'll show you mine
It would be different if I could relive it,
but regrets are so unkind

How can they forgive their fathers when they can't forgive themselves
And how can they father's forgive themselves when they can't forgive their fathers

Dick-in-son: So fatefully named
Dick-in-son: The past remains
Dick-in-son: I hate my past
Dick-in-son: Will this nightmare pass?

Son of God! We need You now!

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